Incoming! New Content

Happy Wednesday dear readers! I’m working on brainstorming new content for the blog. I’m hoping to make it more than just book reviews – hopefully make it more accessible to a wider audience, and more enjoyable to my existing audience. So, what would would you like to see more of? I’m going to reformat the blog…


I’m sorry, dear followers, for taking so long to write something. But it took me just as long to finish reading something. I went back to school this fall and, between too much work and homework, I let my own passions fall by the wayside. I promise there will be 2 (2!) reviews coming this…

Inspiration Point: Lists!

Happy (almost) Weekend! It’s a long weekend for me (2 whole days) due to Memorial Day and I will be gallivanting around in San Antonio! For this weekend, if you’re having a problem picking what you would like to read next: try a list! Maybe it’s me and my type-A personality, but I am a…

Times They are A-Changin’ (and a review!)

Good morning, good afternoon, good any time of your day! Guess what? It’s been forever! I’m embarrassingly behind in my reading goal of 52 books a year…. But, I am human, not a reading machine (although sometimes I wish I could be). I have spent the last couple months rearranging my life and going through…