Review: Less

A review of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel ‘Less’ by Andrew Sean Greer.

Review: This Side of Paradise

I wasn’t intimidated to read this novel, but I was worried. I hold F. Scott Fitzgerald in very high regard, considering The Great Gatsby will never cease to be my favorite book. I had started reading This Side of Paradise during a college summer, and I could not enjoy the first section – “The Romantic Egotist.” I…

Review: The Grip of It

Flash forward two weeks later…. And I have powered through 3 of 4 books that I had set as my goal to read for the month of August. The Grip of It by Jac Jemc was the first book I read this month. And it took me a solid few days to process how I felt…

Review: The Girl on the Train

I forgot how much I loved mysteries. When I was younger, I read mystery novels like one would eat popcorn. I had a slight obsession with The Cat Who… mysteries from Lillian Jackson Braun, thanks to my grandma who had a stash at her vacation house, and I think I read about 10 in a summer,…